My Top YouTube running channels

The Ginger Runner

"Ethan Newberry reviews and talks about all things fitness. From running, biking and training for all sorts of race to equipment reviews, advice videos, and all around fun adventures."

This channel quickly became one of my favorites. The host, Ethan, does a great job with his editing and narrating. He does gear reviews on shoes and other trail running equipment as well as running videos on some amazing trails in the northwest. Ethan's feature films Where Dreams go to Die and A Decade On are extremely good. His main focus is trail running but he also will not hesitate to run a marathon. Ethan was not always a runner so his earlier episodes help you see his progression. If you still want some more you can check out the GingerRunner Live podcast.


"Non-elite road runner who vlogs about marathons, half marathons, and being a non-elite. Based in Chicago. Sometimes, I go elsewhere."

Mike Ko is a Chicago native and does great editing of his footage of Chicago.  His videos helped me prepare for the Rocket City Marathon and also one of the reasons I applied for the Chicago Marathon.  He also donated and featured me as a charity runner on one of his videos (to see it click here).  He mainly focuses on shoe reviews but will feature videos on various running topics as well as tech reviews.

Seth James DeMoor

"Through this channel you will learn about running, experience running through my daily vlog experience, and learn how to choose the best running gear for you."

Seth is extremely consistent in his video production. I think he said he has made over 1000 in a row without missing a day. He is a trail runner, and has ran many ultras but is transitioning to running his first marathon which will be in Cleveland in May 2019.

Ryan Van Duzer

"Ryan's adventures include bike touring, mountain biking, trail running, racing ultras, and trekking."

Ryan is a guy who loves life and is uber positive about everything. I discovered him after reading Born to Run and became very intrigued with the Copper Canyons in Mexico. I began researching them and watching videos of the Ultra race developed by Cabollo Blanco. Ryan's videos were the first I saw and he does an amazing job of documenting the race, the culture, and the experience.

Cjaye Media

"26 Weeks is a weekly series that follows Chris as he trains for his first 100 mile ultramarathon. Videos are released every Tuesday afternoon."

This series is easy to follow and well documented.  Seeing how Chris progresses through his training to run a 100 miler is inspiring and motivating.  


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