Am I a Runner Yet?

I am not on any sort of elite running status.  I haven't even run more than 36 miles in a week during training.  With that said though, 2018 was definitely a year dedicated to running more than any other.

But was there some invisible threshold or line I crossed where I was like "okay, now, I am a runner" I have always found joy in running.  I think much of the time, especially in the beginning, running sucks.  I mean seriously, I would breath hard and my heart rate would shoot really high really quickly forcing immediate discomfort and while doing it, mentally, your mind is telling you to stop because I think some how we are wired as humans to find the path of least resistance. Why would anyone want seek voluntary discomfort?  Not fun, right. Back to the Joy of running,  I did not say running was fun or running is exciting, and I can't speak for anyone but it is joyful to me. It gives me a since of accomplishment and I feel as though I am putting my body through a test to see where I stand, not against others, but against my own self.  Overcoming the heavy breathing and high heart rates and reaching a point in a run where I am cruising and my mind has this moment of clarity and I love that.  I also love the simplicity behind it and how it keeps me feeling young like how a kid runs on the drop of a hat. Even before I started this running "journey" I would run for fitness and exercise and I would even run in random places because that is quicker than walking.

So the answer is yes, I think I am a runner, not that it is my identity or my whole world, but it is a part of me and has impacted life over the past year.  I get up early to yes, run, I take time to eat cleaner and healthier to fuel my body.  I drink more water and I have lost like 10 lbs.  All the things that we know we are suppose to do but we don't for whatever reason,  I do those now, because of running.

In case You want to start running


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