Paving the Way
Alright, so the past couple months gearing up for the Chicago marathon I have continued to run, sparingly, but running, eclipsing 100 miles earlier in month, I have sprinkled in some biking and swimming as well, I have seen a podiatrist (foot doctor), Dr. Steve Lako, (thanks doc, you da man), created t-shirts to sale for my campaign, they are stylish I might add, developed a bit of a shoe problem, ran some more and seen Doc again. Four weeks ago, I finally had it with the nagging chronic pain in my left foot and found a foot doctor. Of course I knew what was causing my pain but definitely needed something extra to relieve and heal my symptoms. He prescribed me a non steroidal anti-inflammatory which definitely eliminated my heel pain at times and as a result, I increased my mileage from 6-10 miles a week to 13-20 miles per week. Foot is definitely much better but the past couple days before my follow up appointment, my foot was pulsating and as the doctor said "p...